Keqing Fischl Nahida team is pretty strong, and I had a lot of fun clearing floor 12 with this team. I recommend that you get Fischl for your aggravate team since she deals tons of damage because of her A4 passive. Keqing can do Quickbloom. Nahida, Fischl/C6 Yae, Keqing and Zhongli/Anemo VV is the best team comp for aggravate generally. See if you like the performance/gameplay before investing on an Aggravate team. Hi u/KagaSSJ. In an Aggravate, Hyperbloom, or Quickbloom team, prioritize Level 90 along with leveling her Elemental Skill. Still, Baizhu should replace Nahida in his team, not Zhongli. 1 percent with the substat. net Keqing Catalyze Team #1 Team Rating : SS Tier Keqing is a Main DPS in the team. Hi u/Foreign_Wear1663. 134. Yae is not necessarily an upgrade over fischl in keqing comps due to lower synergy and both wanting field time. Here are Alhaitham's best teams in Genshin Impact. The. Though Kazuha felt fine to. Specifically in. Aggravate + Bloom and Hyperbloom spam = Madness. You can also swap the position of Raiden Shogun and Keqing to make your own best team. This includes popular / meta teams, best elemental reaction parties, team builds, combos, resonance & team. I would say Kazuha and vv shred is a pretty big buff compared to Zhongli, Kazuha gives 40% shred, 40% Damage bonus and Baizhu also gives around 40% aggravate damage bonus, while zhongli gives 20% res shred and nahida gives 250 em. Yaoyao: I’d say either Deepwood Memories or Tenacity of the Millelith. Raiden is a strong and flexible on-field DPS who can offer utility in the form of Energy, buffs, and Electro application to the rest of her team. Don't waste your primogems on him. Learn about Keqing's Electro and Physical builds, ascension materials, best weapons, best artifacts, talent priority, skills, teams, and our rating of the character in this build guide! List of Contents Keqing Rating and Info Best Builds Best Artifacts Best Weapons Best Team Comp 41 ClarionJon • 1 yr. Koki would be in Tenacity of the Milelith set. When Keqing pops her Burst, the Aggravate damage from combining Electro with Dendro eats at least half of the boss’ remaining health. This build focuses on increasing Keqing's Elemental Damage, allowing her to be a main Electro DPS. - An aggravate team comp with Keqing as the main DPS - Nahida will allow easy and continuous Dendro application - Kuki Shinobu will provide healing for the team and her skill will allow proc of Quicken. Also, feel free to stop by and ask about your comp in the \#Teambuilding channel on our Discord Server! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. dardardarner • 2 yr. Meanwhile, Zhongli exists to protect the team. 0 updated guide focuses on why. Optional Shields to allow landing charged attacks without intereuption. Keqing was good from the start. I would say it depends… your attack is quite low as well. Tweet. I currently run Tighnari, Keqing, Fischl, Sucrose and I clear the content very comfortably. I think technically C6 Sara is better than Fischl, but Sara is significantly more difficult to play. Hi u/markcc1223. If farming is painful you can also just go with any combinations of 2TF/ 2att/ 2EM on either Keqing or Fischl if you want to use a team that. 0:00 / 20:44 Initial Info AGGRAVATE KEQING is AMAZING! Updated Keqing Guide - Best Build & Showcase | Genshin Impact Zy0x 617K subscribers Subscribe 600K views 4 months ago Keqing got a. I would say it depends… your attack is quite low as well. If you do run the four-piece you're going to want a serious source of off field pyro/hydro/cryo damage as Keqing will need to apply the electro damage. . Hello everyone! I'd like to get help constructing an Aggravate Team fo Kq, both single target and multi target options. This doubt is originated because i play this composition (under this description) and i feel i don't have damage. Fischl is probably too much er in a keqing team. Keqing. Hi u/Training_Holiday_234. To be more specific, her teammates and the new Dendro. 2% vs Venti 23. Can use proto Amber. Sucrose is better at getting swirls in this team and with 600 EM (no EM weapon but all EM on artifacts) she will give 170 EM, 20% electro damage bonus and can provide healing with prototype amber or an additional 20% electro damage bonus with Kakushin Ring (maybe 20% dendro damage as well if she triggers aggravate, I don't know) or you can also. Off. Raiden works well with Keqing. You should start your first rotation with electro - > Nahida skill burst- > electro unit. ↳ Philanemo Mushroom Farm Route. Nahida is excellent but not necessary. IOW if your Keqing currently deals 15k dps in a taser team, she won't suddenly be doing 30k in an equally invested aggravate team. ATK is better once you have 300EM. The best aggravate team for her is a 15s rotation aggravate team using Collei (better than the 20s variation with DMC because way faster and allows you to spam more abilities more quickly, especially Keqing’s burst) and you should use 4TF artefacts to make it really good. Check this best team builds guide for Genshin Impact 3. You should have no problems maintaining Aggravate uptime with this team archetype. C6 Sucrose with Thrilling tales or Hakushin ring aggregates Nahida's EM share and C0 Kazuha buff. ago. Keqing needs damage amplifier to be viable. Kujou. Plus her. Keqing Build & Team⚡. If she is being ideally put into an Aggravate team as well, leveling Lisa to 90 is also a recommendation as the increase given to her Aggravate triggers become widely apparent. Aggravate team will require traditional CR/CD/some EM on Keqing, Fischl, Nahida and might take a long time with artifact RNG. Her skill is decent enough to let Keqing aggravate for the whole duration. Try to go for 2 electro, 1 dendro and an anemo. “In theory. It’s not that Yae is bad. That's why people think the keqing agg teams are better because they noticed a huge change with keqing but really it just helped her close the gap more. One thing I think you should really point out here is that the Keqing team has. Also in keqing dendro teams Keqing is more of a driver and the one whos damage you want to improve is fishl and her passive. But you really don’t need both Zhongli and Prototype Amber. Maverick_Kaizer • 2 mo. Pair her with Fischl and Nahida (or any dendro support) and they'll be on par with other top dps teams. Yaoyao Quick Guide. I would use keqing yae nahida kaz. Kuki is acting as the support healer and buffer. It seems you've posted question about team building, make sure to check out our in-depth Teambuilding guide. 5K 246K views 4 months ago #Keqing #GenshinImpact #dendro Quicken and Aggravate have made Keqing a stronger Electro DPS than ever! This Genshin Impact 3. Not directly but it allows u to replace Nahida for Sucrose or Kazuha and keep the confort of having a healer/shield. AzraelA9 • 1 mo. keqing's aggravate with nahida Richkero 9 months ago #1 which one will be the best? - Results (80 votes) Keqing-Fischl-Nahida (with prototype amber)+zhongli 38. Hi u/Training_Holiday_234. . 5s you'd need Keqing to aggravate every. Yes. it’s basically an electro-charged comp. Fire Emblem Heroes FC: 8410511961, Current Lead: Brave Lysithea+10. With arrival of Cyno soon, which is the next patch 3. Like a quick event focusing on her and giving the weapon as a reward in the end would be good enough for me, they've done this with albedo in the past 2 times for example. Compared to the Yae Miko variant of Aggravate, this team relies on an on-field damage dealer in the form of Keqing. Interesting. It’s better substat difference. In the overworld I switch in Amber for Fischl and it becomes the best Sumeru exploration team. 8. 8. Hi u/KagaSSJ. Please contact the moderators of this. . Keqing is a great option for Aggravate teams (Image via Genshin Impact) Genshin Impact introduced a ton of new team options with the addition of the Dendro Element and its unique reactions. This is just showcasing keqing with dendro reaction. Builds at end of video. My only concern though is for Baizhu’s energy needs, as well as if he has enough dendro application to work in this team without a second Dendro unit. ATK%. I think now you can do e e auto q auto e e with 4pc TF on Keqing. In an ideal situation, you would do 3 charged shots after E on Tighnari. 1. Yae can’t provide any of these. KQ/Dendro MC/Sucrose/Yae Miko. Alhaitham and Nahida will be enhancing their damage through Spread while Fischl's damage will be enhanced through Aggravate. It's still a really decent option for lets say 12-1 against the robots that are easy to group, or 12-1 against the lectors since jean is really good against them. Keqing's skill cooldown is already pretty short, but if you can reduce it consistently, you'll be improving the energy particle per second rate and the 2-piece bonus is already useful to Keqing. It seems you've posted question about team building, make sure to check out our in-depth Teambuilding guide. It's not bad, per se, but Aggravate has a higher ceiling. The summary gives a quick overview of the most important principles in team-building. Baizhu Best Teams guide for Genshin Impact. For traveller, you can build them with noblesse set or instructor with sapwood or favonius sword. But if you insist on using keqing on field, using fischl instead of raiden with her will be. Small problem how can you beat enemies. Keqing Aggravate Team, Collei vs. This build focuses on increasing Keqing's Elemental Damage, allowing her to be a main Electro DPS. If you can get comfortable with running no healer, Keq/Kaz/SaraC6/Nahida is the highest damage ceiling team for aggravate keqing right now. Yes I know this is not the exact numbers and there are different team comps but point is still there. Just toss her into any other dendro related team. C0 Fischl (will probably get C1. I dont think Keqing even has problems at all with energy gaining. The flexibility of Keqing’s kit means that she can work well in a variety of strategies and team compositions, either focused on Electro DMG and other Electro-related elemental reactions, or even Physical DMG, whichever you pick. Klee: Best Build & Weapon. Việc xây dựng Keqing giờ đây trở nên dễ dàng hơn bao giờ hết và phản ứng Tăng Cường đã tăng sát. YaoYao is finally here! A dedicated dendro healer for Keqing Aggravate Team! Double Dendro Cyno Quickbloom is also viable now since she able to replace Shino. Keqing used to be one of the “worst” 5-star DPSes and now she’s not. Best team for Dendro Keqing? Genshin Impact PlayStation 4 . I wish we were getting skins more frequently because at this rate she's never getting another skin. HoYoverse. I might use this team domains and abyss! The same. 【GI】Nahida Keqing Aggravate Team, the wait is over for Keqing! Spiral Abyss 3. Keqing generates a lot of Electro energy particles from her skill. ELECTRO DPS 👍 AGGRAVATE DPS 👍 PHYSICAL DPS ELECTRO DPS Build 👍. ↳ Dandelion Seeds Farm Route. If they want a healer and want to use Dendro!Keqing then removing Fischl for Kuki or Kazuha for Jean is the only way. Dropping Kazuha is a much bigger damage loss than going from Nahida to YaoYao, because VV is broken, and DMG% buffs scale both talent and aggravate damage, rather than just EM scaling aggravate damage (only for your on-fielder, no less). Fischl has always been one of the best choices as an Electro DPS in Genshin Impact, but Aggravate further boosted her damage in version 3. Spread and Aggravate to maximize team’s DMG. You have to use his E before Keqings burst however as the buff only lasts 8 seconds. Hmm. 2. Learn about Yaoyao’s best builds, talent priority, best weapons, best. 134. For this first Tighnari team. Keqing, Nahida, Zhongli, and Xingqiu, or the Aggravate Team of Keqing, Fischl, Nahida, Zhongli/Sucrose (both C0). Rate this card: ★ 4. Still really good dmg wise but just be prepared for running out of stamina after one rotation. If Keqing aggravated every . 5s. Fischl: Gilded Dreams 4pc. Thanks to the existence of Dendro, Keqing's power increases significantly in a Quicken team, where she can reliably deal Aggravate DMG. I didn’t like this team since. Best Updated Keqing Build in Patch 3. Yae Miko is on the comp because I just like her as a character (cmon fox lady ya know + hawt). 25. Disagreed. However, since the release of Sumeru, Keqing has gained the. And as a Nilou main, I want to put my Nahida on that team instead because she's. Alhaitham has a few advantages over Keqing in a quicken (easy way to avoid repeating aggravate/spread over and over. Check out the Full Playlist of 2 min character guides here:to units who are responsible for a respectable bulk of the damage on a team. The best replacement for Cyno in this team as an on-field Electro damage source is Keqing. Crit Rate/Crit DMG. Dendro MC is currently better as a support for Keqing than Collei. . #genshinimpact #genshin #GENSHINIMPACTINDONESIAVideo kali ini akan membahas bagaimana membuat Keqing kamu menjadi PEMBUNUH LEGENDARIS━━━━ EXPAND ME ━━━━. See full list on gamewith. Cyno is a 5* Electro Polearm character who infuses his attacks with Electro to deal consistent damage throughout the duration of his Burst mode. Raiden works well with all Electro characters except for Beidou and the Electro MC sadly. It happens, I just try to get the truth out. 6 Tighnari + Kaedehara Kazuha + Yae Miko + Kuki Shinobu The Tighnari Quicken team in Genshin Impact can either be done with one Dendro unit or two of them. r/KeqingMains. Its really up to you if u want to tryhard 0 hits taken runs or comfort for little less damage. C0 Traveler. With TF Keqing can do this easily because she can use her skill more (her skill has no ICD so she can technically trigger 2 aggravate with initial cast and second cast) and her NA's get. This is STRICTLY for damage however. Uh. KEKing---CATCH ME LIVETHE DISCORDSOCIALSthe good thing is that since sucrose and kazuha are similsr for aggravate keqing teams, you can free up kazuha for another team that might like him! also sucrose shares EM with the whole party unconditionally so i like playing her more zephyrseija • 10 mo. BS passive only applies to charge atk which is a very small portion of the overall dmg given how aggravate. Keqing: Thundering Fury is really good for her as the 4pc effect gives her pretty much infinite Electro uptime in Aggravate teams. ago bro, venti during the chasm rerun was the only character 50/50 I've ever won. Was reluctant on using mods, for obvious reasons, but this Keqing skin is perfect. Aggravate Carry Keqing. C0 NAHIDA | R5 SACRIFICIALC2 KEQING | R1 JADE CUTTERC6 KUJOU SARA | R1 POLAR STARC2 KAZUHA | R1 FREEDOMSWORN👉More details for all Characters build in my Dis. Trying to build aggravate keqing. 119. Fischl never lost her crown. Both works wonders. C2 Sayu. Was reluctant on using mods, for obvious reasons, but this Keqing skin is perfect. If she is being ideally put into an Aggravate team as well, leveling Lisa to 90 is also a recommendation as the increase given to her Aggravate triggers become widely apparent. 1 2. C1 Heizou. Just for aggravate, ATK is better for little difference, but with EM you can boost hyperbloom and electro-changed. Also, feel free to stop by and ask about your comp in the #Teambuilding channel on our Discord Server! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 8 Update. Wait for Yao Yao and use her instead of Nahida.